Every Conversation

Only 21% of U.S. employees strongly agree that they trust the leadership of their organization, according to a 2023 Gallup poll. This is a significant decline from 2019, when 24% of employees strongly agreed that they trusted their leaders.

This decline in trust is concerning, as trust is essential for high-performance teams and organizations.

When employees trust their leaders and managers, they are more likely to be engaged, motivated, and productive. They are also more likely to support organizational changes.

Managers play a particularly important role in building trust with employees.

  • Be honest and transparent. Communicate openly and honestly with your employees about the organization’s goals, plans, and challenges. Be responsive to questions and concerns.

  • Be reliable and consistent. Keep your promises and commitments. Be consistent. Never cancel 1:1s.

  • Be supportive and understanding. Show genuine interest in your employees’ well-being. Acknowledge challenges and lead with empathy.

  • Give employees autonomy. Trust your employees to do their jobs well. You hired them for a reason. Give them the autonomy and responsibility they need to be successful.

Involved Leaders can help you to improve your communication skills and take advantage of every opportunity.


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