Strengths Coaching

“We all have ability. The difference is how we use it.” — Stevie Wonder

Strengths-based coaching can help your teams and your people identify, develop, and leverage unique abilities and strengths. Recognition and ability coaching can increase self-confidence and reinforce successful behaviors.

Strengths-based Coaching Principles

  • People are born with a unique set of strengths

  • People are more likely to succeed when they focus on strengths

  • People can develop and strengthen their strengths

  • People can use their strengths to achieve goals

Leaders who reframe feedback and recognition to help people utilize strengths are more likely to improve engagement and employee satisfaction leading employees to be and achieve more.

How are you helping your teams and your people use their abilities?

Strengths-based Coaching should involve:

  • Setting relevant goals and developing action plans

  • Identifying and overcoming challenges

  • Developing strategies for using strengths in different situations

  • Building confidence and self-efficacy

  • Also, clearly define the term self-efficacy 😏

As manager and coaches, we should also be offering support and encouragement throughout the coaching process, helping the individual to stay on track. How often are you scheduling employee 1:1s and coaching conversations?

Developing people requires an investment of our energy and time.

Need help? We offer 1:1 coaching and team training to help you help your people.


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